Flea Exterminators
Fleas are common pests that can cause a stirring wherever they go due to the difficulty of getting rid of them primarily due to the sheer number of the species. While more often than not, fleas are introduced into a household by their dog or cat, they don’t just cause problems for your animals. Once inside, a flea is going after anything that is warm blooded, and that includes you, your friends, and your family. Call (510) 900-5995
While fleas will commonly infest the entire bodies of pets, they will often target the feet and ankles of humans. Flea bites are very bothersome and become red and very itchy.
When fleas are in a home, it usually is much more than a one-day battle to fully get rid of them. First thing is first, if you have a dog or cat infected with fleas, wash them immediately and help get your pet feeling okay again.
Flea bites can be dangerous when considering the likelihood of blood transfusion between species. Once a flea bites an infected animal, the next animal it bites, it could actually infect that animal, or human, and pass along an avoidable disease. First thing is first with fleas, and you should call in a flea exterminator into your home immediately. Call (510) 900-5995 today to take care of your flea infestations.
Fleas are common pests that can cause a stirring wherever they go due to the difficulty of getting rid of them primarily due to the sheer number of the species. While more often than not, fleas are introduced into a household by their dog or cat, they don’t just cause problems for your animals. Once inside, a flea is going after anything that is warm blooded, and that includes you, your friends, and your family. Call (510) 900-5995
While fleas will commonly infest the entire bodies of pets, they will often target the feet and ankles of humans. Flea bites are very bothersome and become red and very itchy.
When fleas are in a home, it usually is much more than a one-day battle to fully get rid of them. First thing is first, if you have a dog or cat infected with fleas, wash them immediately and help get your pet feeling okay again.
Flea bites can be dangerous when considering the likelihood of blood transfusion between species. Once a flea bites an infected animal, the next animal it bites, it could actually infect that animal, or human, and pass along an avoidable disease. First thing is first with fleas, and you should call in a flea exterminator into your home immediately. Call (510) 900-5995 today to take care of your flea infestations.

Fleas drink blood. That’s how they thrive. Any warm blooded individuals in a household are the targets for the fleas, and this is how they survive, and repopulate. Over a lifetime of a female flea, they can lay thousands of eggs over a span of just a year.
Humid environments like the Bay Area, particularly Oakland are the optimal temperature and humidity range for fleas to thrive. If they have food, and positive conditions for their species thrive, then the infestation has an easier chance of growing.
Fleas will bite and feed on humans, cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, and chickens. Some of these fleas have specific targets and stem as just dog fleas, cat fleas, chicken fleas, and other type of rodent fleas.
Flea bites are no fun to get. When a flea bites the human skin, it causes a red circle with a center of where the bite was. Often, flea bites will be randomly occurring in areas all over the body, just depends on where the fleas decide. Just slightly raised red bumps on the skin, often times, they will appear near feet, ankles, waist, not as much the face. These flea bites can be red for weeks following.
Fleas can transmit disease, although it is not common unless there is an animal or human close nearby who already has the disease or it was transmitted from a disease source. Whatever the case, it’s simply not worth debating whether or not the flea bite is diseased or not, it is important to get an insect exterminator in your house to destroy all signs of the fleas for good. To get the Oakland flea extermination, call (510) 900-5995
Integrated pest management (IBM) is what is normally used to help get rid of fleas in a home. We use chemicals to kill the fleas and others to prevent any others from growing, and others to kill all other signs of the fleas eggs and larvae inside the home.
If your animal has fleas, only use recommended flea killers as many of the chemicals that may hurt the fleas also can affect dogs and cats. Only use the right treatment specified for your animal. Whether that be dog flea treatment or cat flea treatment, make sure you get the one that is for them. Also, protect the human skin when applying flea treatment to an animal as it may be hazardous to humans while it works for animals, these insects are certainly a pain to control.
Traditional bug foggers and bug bombs are not always effective against fleas, or even all of the difficult insects classified as pests for that matter. Millions are spent every year on flea treatment for pets, and you don’t need to let this pest ruin your life. Get the Oakland flea control today and call (510) 900-5995